Monday, June 24, 2013

You're Creative.

  I hear, from down Santa Clause lane, that my ultimate ENEMY made a new nickname for me. I've never said my name on here, but here we go. KUNTzer. Screw you, bitch. She is a total lame ass who doesn't have a life OF HER OWN. Her life revolves around me. Most of the time, her name/her existance doesn't even cross my blonde mind, okay? She needs to get it through her thick skull, that idgaf anymore. I haven't for 2 years. But, I told my friend (who found out) that this chick is very creative. Very. Creative. In fact, she's so creative, I could shove glitter up her tight asshole, and she wouldn't even know. Like Ke$ha. But uglier. Everytime I talk about her, I seem like a really rude/mean/stupid person. All I'm doing, is venting my feelings because typing is a hell of a lot faster than writing in my diary. YES, I have a diary. Get over yourselves.
  SOOOOO, she can go screw her own butthole. Ighhttt, so that's the end. I guess? So, yea that's what I heard today. I hope whoever reads this, laughed a bit. I will later on in the week, prob... PENETRATION. K bye.

Sunday, June 23, 2013

I Miss You...

  I'm crying. I miss you like hell. Why can't we be friends? In my last post, I said goodbye. But I REALLY don't want to... I made a Vine about it, if you wanna see it (you know who you are). I thought she threw away the notes. I thought she stopped caring. I can't stop crying. Idk what else to say. Everytime I think of my bestfriend being not THERE, I choke up and cry until I can't breathe. Who knew someone could do that to you? Especially someone you only new for 2 years... They take over your heart completely (boy and girl) and you can't wait to hangout with them ALL. DE. TIME. But now... you can't. Ugh. If you're reading this, I miss you so much, girl. Our friendship meant so much to me, and it's pretty much shattered at this point. I wanna pick up the pieces. So bad. I'm crying as I type this, legit. My boyfriend is trying to make me "blush", but he doesn't know I'm crying so it seems REALLY stupid, haha! Hopefully that made you laugh.
 All I'm trying to say, is, I miss you so much. I want to be able to call you up and ask if you want to walk around ANYWHERE to talk about absolutely ANYTHING. The last time we hungout, was when we saw that alien movie with the 2 hot guys. We just talked about the movie because everything was awkward between us. Then, we stopped talking all together. I can't take it. I miss you. I've said it AT LEAST a thousand times, and I'll say a thousand more. I miss you, girl.

Saturday, June 22, 2013

Goodbye Friend.

  Do you know what it's like, to know you've lost your bestfriend. Asking who their bestfriend is on an anonymous site, and them saying its not you. It's hard... The person you did so much with, is gone. Going to a different high school in two months, so now it doesn't matter. Why should I try? All the memories are forgotten. The notes I wrote to her, are probably stored in her closet or thrown away... I wouldn't blame her, because we don't talk. The last time we did, I wanted to hangout with her. She didn't answer... She wanted to kill herself in April, we stopped talking in around March, so I didn't know. She dumped her bf because she thought it would be easier FOR HIM, if she died while they were just friends. I kinda thought about not wanting to exist. BUT, I didn't want to kill myself. I asked to be friends again, because almost everyone left me. She told me. Why hadn't I noticed? That's right, because she pushed me away, for some reason. Idk what to do. I guess, just leave my old BFF with my enemy... Yep, she went to the dark side. Whatever. I can't do anything anymore. Goodbye Friend.