Monday, April 1, 2013

April Fools Day(:

  Hey guys(: HAPPY APRIL FOOLS! I haven't posted since Wednesday, I think. I had a very nice Spring Break. A bunch of girls started drama, I'm over it. Haha! Then, I found my enemy's Instagram (: Tomorrow is school... I'm not excited to wake up at 5:35 in the morning, but I don't really care about the assignments. I only have until May 30th until I graduate. NOT HIGH SCHOOL. I'm graduating middle school, lol. Tricked you, didn't I?
  Today is mine and Ben's (now you know my boyfriend's name) 7 month(: YES, I just wrote his name in here. BIG WHOOP. Now some of you probably know who I am... hahaha :P We have been together for 7 months, wow... People say middle school relationships dont count, but I think mine does. We walked around my neighborhood for 2 hours, holding hands and laughing. Talking about pointless shit. It was amazing (: He makes me so happy! This girl posted on Facebook today, that it's worthless to have a relationship in middle school. Because of fighting. Not EVERYONE'S relationship is full of fighting. And then she's saying that her family is only there for you. Yea, they are. But some guy can make you really happy...
  I saw "The Host" with my friend, Just Your Average Girl. We walked in, being all quiet, and then saw that NO ONE was in the theater. So, we talked as loud as we wanted and laughed or said "aww" to certain parts. Then at the end, "Radioactive" by Imagine Dragons played, and we had a Twerk Team and dance party. WHOOP WHOOP ;)
  My YouTube channel is finally kicking up! I get 3-4 subscribers a day now (: Right now I have 128. This morning I had a 122! And now I message some of my fans! But, I won't write my YouTube channel name in here because then you will know who I am. But some guy is being a douche so yea...
  This week as been awesome and I can't wait to see all of my school friends (; Talk to you guys later!
   Love Always,
Just Another Girl <3

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