Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Field Trip!

  So today I went on a field trip! It was amazing(: The 75 minute bus ride there and back was hilarious. When we got to the place (Cantigny) and we got to walk around a museum and Colonel McCormick's house! Yea, to you guys it sounds pointless, boring, the list could go on and on. But it was actually REALLY fun. Outside, there were like, 10 army tanks. They were climable. So, I proceeded to climb them. At the top, my mom took a picture of me and my boyfriend. Hahaha! I loved the whole day, because I spent time with friends, climbed a few tanks, walked through a huge, beautiful estate, and I still got back to school with 15 minutes to spare. #AWESOMEDAY
 I wanted to give an update to my fellow readers:
   My next blog entry will be of a story I have been writing for a few days. It's about a girl being affected by Hurricane Sandy. Hurricane Sandy is a super storm (3 hurricanes combined right now) that is going to/is destroying the east coast. My story is to show that once someone is affected, what they're feelings would be. The story will NOT, I repeat NOT, be done. I am only 6 pages in, so... ENJOY READERS!
  I hoped you guys LOVED my colorful info above(: Stay Gorgeous(:
Love Always,
Just Another Girl

Wednesday, October 17, 2012


  So I'm just texting people and minding my own business, when my ex texts me... I dated him towards the end of last year, and I hadn't talked to him since. When we broke up, he said we wanted to try and get it right this year. But I already have a new boyfriend... I like this boyfriend more then my ex, but I don't know what to say. This was months ago, and his number just pops up. Now he's asking if I'm dating ____. I am, and I told him yes. My ex is going to the same highschool I am, but my current boyfriend is going to a separate highschool. What a coincidence! Ugh! Why can't ONE thing go my way?!
  Our convo:
Ex: Hey, are you still dating anyone?
Me: Yea... are you?
Ex: No :(
Me: Who do you like?
Ex: Nobody on red team and nobody on white team, but someone on blue team. Eighth grade. Aren't you dating Ben?
Me: Yes, why? Who's the girl.
Ex: You...
Me: Cool.
  I just don't understand. He needs to move on, find another girl. We broke up in the middle of June 2012... It's October 2012, that was 4 months ago. I've found someone new, he should too. We can still be friends, but it'll be awkward if he keeps hanging on to what we HAD. I hope this all blows over by tomorrow or at least by next week. I don't want anymore drama.
  Moral of the story: Texting = Drama
Love Always,
~Just Another Girl~

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Night Time...

  Today was okay and sucky at the same time. Hahaha! I just say "sucky" :P I'm so immature. Anyways, part of the day sucked ass and then some of it was awesome. The beginning of the day did NOT go well for me. I didn't make the poms/dance team for my school. I checked the list several times, only to realize that I hadn't made it. I went to the list in the morning, with my boyfriend and one of my besties. I ran my finger down the list, and my # (#27) wasn't printed on it. I wanted to scream, punch someone, cry. I wanted to wallow in a ball and cry my eyes out. Of course I DID NOT do this, because I was at school. So, whatever. The poms team will suck without me and my 2 friends.
  After checking the list MANY times, I told my boyfriend that I hadn't made the team. I mean, I was bummed... BIG time. He said he was so sorry and pulled me into a hug. That moment I wanted to break down and have him hold me. That sounds like I'm a cry baby, but too frickin bad.
  During passing period, I would wander towards the list and check over and over again if I made it, and missed it. I saw and confirmed that I had NOT made the team. I fast-walked to my locker and texted my Mom, telling her I had not made it. I seriously wish I was on that team...
  Tonight my head hurts like hell. Probably from all the stress that has taken a toll on me today. I had ballet technique so I stretched a LOT. So now my butt muscle and knee bruise are killing me. Great. Well tomorrow is Gay Pride day (rainbow wear), so I will proceed to living my normal life. I am trying to forget about my loss.
  I hope tonight I dream of nice things, and I really hope this poms thing doesn't effect me tomrrow... Thanks for reading(:
~Love Always,
Just Another Girl

Poms Tryouts

  Why didn't I make the team? I went to see if my # was on the sheet, and it wasn't. I was on the team last year... I don't understand! And guess who made it. The backstabber I always talk about. I get so annoyed with the shit that happens. The one school activity I like, it taken away from me. Why? All I have to ask, is why?

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Life So Far...

  So today my font color is a deep purple (: Jelly? Yes. So, a lot of things have been going on in my life since 9-28-12. Well, for starters, I finally grew some balls and went to Fright Fest. Best. Night. Ever. It was amazing! I also went to the movies with my boyfriend (: We saw "House at the End of the Street". Holy crap, that was freaky. At certain parts, he would pull me towards him to cuddle. AWW moment! I really hoped we would've kissed at the end though, but having his arm around me was good enough.
  Today I had poms tryouts. They went splendid. Ha! Look, I used the word "splendid". Teehee! Anyways, I pulled my right butt muscle (weird, right?) and bruised my left knee. JUST TRYING TO DO THE SPLITS! Like, wtf? Now it hurts to walk up the frickin stairs. I feel cripple. Also, that backstabbing bitch tried out. WooHoo. Sarcasm right there, my friend. UGH, why can't she be involved with something else besides things I do? I go to a new dance studio, and she joins. I have a certain phone, she has the exact one and SAME color. Everything I do, she copies. Can't I just get a break? Next year I will. Different highschools, baby! Maybe things ARE turning up (:
  My friend (not giving names) asked me if I was in love with my boyfriend. Okay, let me answer this question, because I know you're just absolutely DIEING to hear it. No, I'm NOT in love with my boyfriend. Yes, I know most of my entries are about this special guy, but I'm sorry that I'm finally happy with someone. Yea, some people give me shit because I hangout with my boyfriend almost every weekend. Again, sorry I'm happy with someone. I can't just change my happiness for those people. I am who I am, I like who I like, and NO ONE can change it. Now, please stop asking.
  This whole blog entry is rambling about my social life for the past uhh, I don't know, 3 weeks? Who da f**k cares? I SURE DON'T. Moving on. Well, this stupid rainstorm is banging on my window. I want it to STFU. Is it TRYING to break my damn window? Hmmm, maybe... Hahaha! I also want to bring up the language I use in my entries. Yes, in almost EVERY entry, you're going to see 1 or 2 swears. This is to express my feelings, and ranting with some swears helps let it out. At 13 you can swear, right? Ehh, idk. Dang, I just looked over this entry and there is a LOT of caps words (: Heehee! I guess that's all for today, my lovelys <3 Hope you enjoyed reading!
~Love Always,
Just Another Girl